Wednesday, March 15, 2006

i'm back...again.

hey fans. i've been a nonblogger for a while - it's just been very hectic lately. but all is calm again, so i'll hopefully find some more time to write.

i just got back from my brother's wedding in LA - it was fantastic! Congrats Rich & Jenna!

and on my trip, i did have two celeb sightings - a tall, thin Danny Glover staying at our hotel, Park Hyatt, in Century City. A few of us did the "Hey Danny" shout out.

and Sophia Bush, who was at the wedding.... she is beautiful. and nice. we ended up dancing next to each other. v. exciting for me. quite an encounter - doing the hora with Sophia Bush. that's a jewish dance for all who don't know.

not sure how much crazy news has occurred since i've been away, but i'll start updating ya all w/gossip again.....

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