Monday, September 26, 2005

More Fall TV talk.....

So I'm watching a lot of shows this fall. Last night watched the premieres of DH and Curb Your Enthusiasm. Curious what everyone thought of the shows?

Also, this year, in addition to my faves Lost, OC and (in Jan) 24, DH , Curb and The Office, I'm adding Prison Break - which is a good one, trying out Invasion (interesting - I predict that guy copy married to the blond is an alien) and Reunion (only saw 1st ep so far - had high hopes, but didn't think it was so great).... and then SNL when it returns - Steve Carrell hosting the premiere!

Marcia Cross is great. She should get an award. I think she and Eva Longoria are the best at going beyond their "normal" personalities - Felicity Huffman I like a LOT, but I think her role isn't that much of a stretch, and same with Terri Hatcher. But the other two, esp. Marcia are great.

I'm trying to think if i have shows every night:
Monday - prison break
Tuesday - Office
Wednesday - Lost and Invasion
Thursday - OC and Reunion
Friday - ?
Saturday - SNL
Sunday - DH and Curb

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